Hello guys!
So I visited Bugis Essensuals by Toni & Guy to get my hair done last week, they are located the front row of Bugis Village just above Burger King and.. they are my new hair sponsors! SO EXCITING!

So i walked in, sat down and my stylist, Zoey (-who's crazy cool and really interesting to chat with throughout the whole session) sat down with me and did a short consultation by asking me how high/low maintenance i am with my hair, how many months ago was my last hair dye and what colors do i usually do etc.

Anyway my hair has been looking pretty dull, my intense red hair has faded to red/brown and oddly really brown at the ends and it's even "druggie-looking" as described by Zoey hahaha
She decided to do a shampoo bleach for me to try and get rid of all the red pigments in my hair, because I've done red waaaay too many times to the red pigments in my hair is very rich, and she dyed my hair a shade of Rich purple.
I felt really comfortable doing my hair at Bugis Essensuals cos all the stylist are so attentive! Cos i had to do the shampoo bleach & hair dye the process was really long and they keep asking if i'm ok, if the smell of the chemicals are getting to me, if i need a drink etc.
Feel so looooooved. Awwwww. Hahahahah

So i was thinking if i should change my hair parting, you know just to get a new look after so many years of having the same parting, so i told zoey of what i thought of it .. and she magically did it!

This is my awesome stylist Zoey & my new look!
I really looooooove my new look, i think the change of parting makes me look more "awake" and even make my face look a wee bit sharper even. Hahahah, What do you think? Good change, or bad change? Most of my friends are loving the new hair-do.

I requested to maintain the same length, just did the color, change of parting, trim the ends and texture my hair so it won't be so heavy and so the ends would taper in instead of curling outwards and all over the place when our hair usually hits the shoulder length.
Little changes but makes so much changes.
Hair really does wonders to a person's outlook, don't you think? (:

If you have any questions about your hair at all, that you would like to seek clarification for, why not ask the Professional Team of Bugis Essensuals on their formspring page? They would gladly solve all your hair woes like how they solved mine! http://www.formspring.me/essensuals
Bugis Essensuals is Located at 241A Victoria Street, Bugis Village (Above Burger King)
It's best to call before hand to make an appointment because they are usually pretty packed,
you can reach them at (+65) 6333 0039.
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